We promote the disciplines of anatomy, histology and embryology, especially that of humans, in science, research and teaching.
advancement of anatomy, histology, embryology, including imaging and related subjects
Early career development
promotion of young students, scientists and academics
coordination and improvement of future-oriented medical curricula and research projects
Knowledge exchange
facilitating the exchange of knowledge in research and teaching
promotion of transdisciplinary, multicenter research projects
facilitating the exchange of information regarding education, training, and body donation
representation at governmental agencies, professional policy bodies and service providers
Public outreach
improving communication with the general public
Wolfgang Weninger
(MedUni Wien)
Niels Hammer
(MedUni Graz)
Speaker Deputy
Marko Konschake
(MedUni Innsbruck)
Speaker Deputy
Maren Engelhardt
(JKU Linz)
Jan Maximilian Janssen
(JKU Linz)
Treasurer Deputy
Lukas Reissig
(MedUni Wien)
Andreas Hainfellner
(MedUni Wien)
Auditor Deputy
Michael Pretterklieber
(MedUni Graz)
Veronica Antipova
(MedUni Graz)
Secretary Deputy
Information about the ÖÄK exam for anatomy specialist (Facharzt Anatomie)
Anatomical Society Germany
The Swiss Society for Anatomy, Histology, Embryology
contact AT anatomy-austria.at
Gesellschaft Anatomie Österreich
c/o Lehrstuhl
für makroskopische und klinische Anatomie
Medizinische Universität Graz
Auenbruggerplatz 25
8036 Graz
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